Cop interrupts busker performing at Delhi’s CP, asks him to stop playing music | Trending
A video of a cop asking a busker to stop playing music at Connaught Place in Delhi has taken social media storm. It has irked many, including actor Rajesh Tailang who posted the video on Twitter. He even tagged Delhi Police in his post and expressed that these arts make the city ‘more aesthetical’ and ‘musical’. The now-viral video shows the busker named Anshul Riaji, also known as Fakira, performing at Delhi’s CP, and a large crowd is seen enjoying his performance. Soon, a police officer approaches him and asks him to stop the music. The cop is heard saying, “Sunai nahi de raha hai kya (Can’t you hear me)? Khade ho (Stand up).” To this, Anshul replies, “Ye koi tareeka hai kya (Is this the way)?” Towards the end, the cop orders the crowd to disperse.“Watched this clip on Instagram. @DelhiPolice this is not done. These arts make our Delhi more aesthetical, musical. Shame!!!” read the caption of the video shared on Twitter actor Rajesh Tailang.Watch the video below:
The art also shared the videos of the incident on his Instagram account with the caption, “Will public support? Busking should be legal and alive in India.”Watch the videos below:
Since being shared on January 4, the actor’s video has received more than 4.1 lakh views, and the numbers are still increasing. The share has also raked several comments.Here’s what netizens wrote in the comments:“There is a proper place for it. Nobody has the right to plop down anywhere they like and blast their music, whether others like it or not,” shared an individual. “Don’t know if Delhi has some legal regulations that prohibit this , but you will see arts in USA, UK at corners , train stations just playing it and in many cases people joining in or at least enjoying it,” commented another. “There is a thing called performance license? Was that taken the art? If we compare this act with western world, we should know they pay a certain fee. It’s not like movies, you go & perform,” remarked a third. “Busking should not be a problem in a country like ours, and if it is, then no one should be allowed to ask for alms while singing songs. No one should be allowed to play songs on a cart and ask for donations. Period,” wrote a fourth.
Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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