Arvind Kejriwal, Bhagwant Mann ‘dance’ to Naatu Naatu as song wins Golden Globe | Trending
SS Rajamouli’s hit period action film RRR is again in the news, this time for its song Naatu Naatu which bagged the Golden Globe award in the Best Original Song category. And Indians across the world are taking pride and celebrating the horic win at the global event. Many are even taking to social media platforms to express their joy and congratulate team RRR. Now, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) joined the bandwagon and congratulated the team for their big win. They even shared a video of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann ‘dancing’ to Naatu Naatu.“CONGRATULATIONS #RRR MADE INDIA PROUD!!! #NaatuNaatu becomes the first ever Asian song to win a #GoldenGlobes #RRRMovie. Swipe,” read the caption shared alongside the photo and video shared Aam Aadmi Party on Instagram. The photo shows Naatu Naatu’s composer MM Keeravani with the Golden Globe trophy. Wednesday star Jenna Ortega presented the award, and Keeravani accepted it on behalf of the entire team. Upon sliding AAP’s Instagram post, one can see the video they shared. It shows Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann ‘dancing’ to the RRR’s song Naatu Naatu to celebrate its horic win at Golden Globes 2023, but not in a way you would have thought. The edited video shared AAP shows Kejriwal and Mann’s facial cutouts juxtaposed with the actors’ faces.Take a look at the post below:
Since being shared a few hours ago, the post has raked up more than 32,300 likes and still counting. The share has also raked several comments.Here’s how people reacted to Aam Aadmi Party’s Instagram post:“Next level celebration,” posted an individual with a fire emoticon. “Perfect!!!,” shared another. “Proud Moment For India,” wrote a third with the Indian flag and a heart emoticon. “Loved it,” expressed a fourth. Many also dropped laughing emoticons in the comments section.
Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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