Tiger drinks water from the middle of the road, halts traffic | Trending

Lately, there have been multiple occurrences of human-wildlife interactions. These instances range from animals wandering into hospitals to even entering someone’s house. Such occurrences can often turn into a dangerous situation for both the human and the animal. So, one is often advised to proceed cautiously when near wild animals. Now, a video showing the same has taken over social media. The viral clip shows people halting traffic when a tiger was seen drinking water in the middle of the road.
Tiger drinks water from the middle of a road.(Twitter/@ParveenKaswan)
“The road stopper!! From Katarniaghat WLS,” wrote Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan. He originally credited the video to IFS Akash Deep Badhawan, who informed on Twitter that a Range Officer shot the video in Katarniaghat in the buffer area of the sanctuary. The clip shows a tiger drinking water in the middle of the road. On both sides of the path, the traffic has been halted to ensure the safety of the big cat.This clip was shared just one day ago. Since being posted, it has been viewed over 64,000 times. The share also has more than 1200 likes and several comments.An individual wrote, “Responsible human beings maintaining a safe dance for themselves and the beautiful jungle beast.” Another added, “Thank God nobody troubled him.” A third shared, “More impressive is the respectful dance of the vehicles!”