Anupam Kher-Anil Kapoor go on a ‘movie date’ to watch RRR, Anil says he wants his films to earn Rs 30 crore. Watch funny video
Recently, fast friends and Bollywood actors Anupam Kher and Anil Kapoor sat down to watch SS Rajamouli’s blockbuster RRR. Prior to watching it, they had a fun conversation which the actors shared on social media.
As they were settling down to watch the film, Kapoor said, “I am feeling as if I am in St Xavier’s college, I am feeling as if I have come out for a date.” To which Kher responded with, “I would not like to say that.”
Later Kapoor requested Kher to praise Thar and do its publicity too, like he was doing RRR’s: “Khaali RRR ki publicity nai, thori Thar ki bhi (kar do).”
Kher then proceeded to say what he had in common with the hitmaker: “The thing I have in common with Mr Rajamouli, we are all in the 300 crore club.” Meanwhile, Kapoor funnily lamented he was not a part of such clubs and would be happy if his films make even Rs 30 crore at the box office, stating, “In other films, if I get 30 crore, I will be very happy sir. Please give me blessings, sir.”
“Movie Date” after a very long time with my friend The Anupam Kher! Watched the amazing #RRR and got some good wishes for #Thar & #JugJuggJeeyo from the 300cr club member himself! @AnupamPKher 🙏🏻
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) May 2, 2022
Kapoor shared the video with a caption on Instagram that read, “Movie Date” after a very long time with my friend The Anupam Kher! Watched the amazing #RRR and got some good wishes for #Thar & #JugJuggJeeyo from the 300cr club member himself! @anupampkher.”
Anupam reposted Anil’s post on his Instagram handle and wrote, “Went to the theatre after many many years with my dearest friend @anilskapoor to watch @ssrajamouli #RRR. This hilarious conversation is before the film. Have fun & Enjoy.”
Later in the day, Kapoor heaped praise on RRR and called the SS Rajamouli film a “world class cinema.” He tweeted, “Saw #RRR, one of the most entertaining & phenomenal films of recent times. Truly a treat for all senses! World class cinema!
Saw #RRR, one of the most entertaining & phenomenal films of recent times. Truly a treat for all senses! World class cinema! @ssrajamouli @AlwaysRamCharan @ajaydevgn @aliaa08 @tarak9999 @DVVMovies @RRRMovie @jayantilalgada @PenMovies @RRRMovie
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) May 2, 2022
Anupam Kher was last seen in the controversial but successful The Kashmir Files. On the other hand, Anil Kapoor is looking forward to the release of his Netflix film Thar, with son Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor.