When is Mothers Day in India 2022?
Mother’s Day 2022 Date: Mother’s Day serves as a gentle reminder to think about and do something special for our mothers. The date for Mother’s Day in 2022 is May 8, 2022.
Mother’s Day, also known as Mothering Sunday, is a holiday that honours a family’s or an individual’s mother, as well as maternal bonding and the powerful impact of mothers on society.
Mother’s Day 2022: Hory, Significance, and Importance
It is believed that the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honour of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, may have recognised and devoted themselves to mothers and motherhood.
The early Chrian celebration ‘Mothering Sunday,’ however, is the modern-day equivalent of Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day was first observed in the United States in 1907 when Anna Jarvis hosted the first Mother’s Day worship service in memory of her late mother, Ann Jarvis.
Jarvis Foundation, which helps underprivileged children and provides financial aid to women who want to return to school to improve their lives and those of their families.
She also initiated a push in the United States to make this day national Mother’s Day. Her plea was denied at the moment, but later in 1941, a proclamation was issued, and it was agreed on that day that every second Sunday in May would be observed as National Mother’s Day in the United States.
Although there is no set rule, it is an expression of affection in which everyone strives to demonstrate their love for their mother.
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