
Anand Mahindra shares video of six maestros of music world performing together | Trending

Anand Mahindra regularly shares different posts on Twitter. Just a day ago, he posted a video that shows an impromptu jamming session between John Mclaughlin, Ustad Zakir Hussain and Vikku Vinayakram. The legends were seen hanging out before their performance in Mumbai. The business tycoon has now shared a short clip to give a glimpse of the event where they performed along with three other musicians – Shankar Mahadevan, Ganesh Rajagopalan, and V Selvaganesh.“Rarely do you get to attend a concert where you know it’s a horic occasion an experience you want to preserve & protect like a fragile drop of water in your hand. Six maestros, at the top of their art, made music last night that was—without exaggeration—pure magic…,” he wrote. He also added the name of the fusion band Shakti that was formed these musicians decades ago.Take a look at the video:

Since being shared, the video has received close to 1.5 lakh views and counting. The post has further accumulated more than 5,800 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the video.Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“One of my favourite groups during my college days,” wrote a Twitter user. “Was an incredible show. Each of the Ustaad was amazing. You could see the joy on their faces as they performed,” expressed another. “Yes Sir…not very often we get a chance to len to such legends performing on one stage. Bliss it would have been,” commented a third. “Thank you for the post. You gave us a very good snippet of the performance jewels. Thank you,” shared a fourth.

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