
Baghel condemns Sibal for anti-Gandhis remark

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday said that leaders like Kapil Sibal’s comments against the leadership of the Gandhis after election reverses will weaken the Congress party.

Interacting with the media at the assembly premises, Baghel said that leaders like Sibal never participate in the electioneering or elections and do not sweat out.

But after the elections, they come out with different statements. This would only help to weaken the Congress party, he said.

“As far as the leadership of Sonia Gandhi, Rahul and Priyanka is concerned, considering their responsibility, they convened the Congress Working Committee (CWC) immediately. They also expressed their views,” Baghel said.

All the members of CWC in unison stated that since the organization election schedule has been declared, the membership drive is to be completed by March 31. After that, organisational elections at booth, block, district and state levels are to be held. No changes in the schedule will be made, he added.

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