
Brazilian works at same company for 84 years, setting record

A 100-year-old man from the southern Brazilian city of Brusque has entered the Guinness World Record book for working the longest in the same company: 84 years.
Despite his extraordinary accomplishment, Walter Orthmann’s advice for those looking for a long and fulfilling professional life is surprisingly routine: do what you love and stay away from junk food.
“You have to like to work. I started to work with that willingness and fighting spirit,” he said in an interview this week.

“You can’t just do any job to say that you are working. That doesn’t work. You’re not going to be able to stand it.
“According to local media, Orthmann started on the factory floor of a company now known as RenauxView, which produces fabrics. Soon after, he moved to adminration, eventually becoming a sales manager.
To keep sharp, he stretches daily and assiduously watches his diet.” I really avoid salt and sugar,” he said. “I avoid things that hurt your intestines. I avoid Coke and other sodas. I only consume things that are good for you. That really helps your body to be strong forever.”
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