Elden Ring exploit corrupts save files on PC, sends players into infinite death loop
An Elden Ring exploit is out loose now on PC, corrupting the save files and sending players into an infinite death loop. The news comes following a huge patch, FromSoftware had released last week, which was aimed at weapon balancing and fixing performance issues on PC.
All Souls games, except Sekiro, has an invader mechanic, which lets an online player jump into your session and challenge you to a fight or just be toxic killing you repeatedly. This new exploit works in a similar line, where hackers can invade an Elden Ring game and corrupt the host’s files – resulting in a crash.
⚠️Elden Ring PSA for PC players⚠️
There’s an exploit going around on PC where hackers will corrupt your save file while you’re invaded.
First they will crash your game, and when you open it back up, your character will be constantly falling to their death… pic.twitter.com/8et3bl8T1I
— Mordecai (@EldenRingUpdate) March 18, 2022
Relaunching the game will send the player character into an infinite death loop, where they keep falling into an ass. A Reddit user named “Draiganedig” has posted a potential fix for those affected, where they suggest players hit ALT+F4 a split second before their death. This would close the game instantly, offering a longer timeslot for users to re-log back into the game and open their map.
Once pulled out, players can immediately press the assigned button to reveal any near Sites of Grace (checkpoints) and fast travel there to save progress and create a new instance – one void of the hacks. They claim that it might take many tries to get the teleportation fix right and will increase the player death count. But currently, it is the only solution that has seemed to work for many so far.
Neither Fromsoftware nor publisher Bandai Namco has commented on the situation, but it should be fixed in the next PC patch. Until then, we would recommend players to back up their save files and play offline – which is the ideal way to avoid any invasions.
Earlier this year, the studio had to temporarily deactivate the PvP servers for Dark Souls 3, as the game was infected with a dangerous RCE (remote code execution) that put PC players at high risk. The computer vulnerability allows a hacker to gain remote access into a system and run malicious code to steal sensitive information, install malicious software, or simply brick the system. Those servers have been offline since February.