
Fishermen join forest officials to rescue dugong and olive ridley turtle. Watch | Trending

Two videos showing local fishermen in Tamil Nadu joining forest officials to rescue a dugong and an olive ridley turtle are winning people’s hearts. IAS officer Supriya Sahu, Addl Chief Secretary Environment Climate Change & Forests in Tamil Nadu, posted the videos on her Twitter handle. She also added more about the rescue mission in the caption of the post.“Another rescue of a critically endangered Dugong and an Olive Ridley Turtle forest staff and local fishermen in Ramanathapuram d in TN. Yesterday. Heartwarming. #TNForest vc- DFO Jagdish Bakan,” she wrote and posted the videos. The clips show the men working together to help the aquatic creatures to get back to safety.Take a look at the post:
Another rescue of a critically endangered Dugong and an Olive Ridley Turtle forest staff and local fishermen in Ramanathapuram d in TN. Yesterday. Heartwarming 👏👏 #TNForest vc- DFO Jagdish Bakan pic.twitter.com/DHORzbvLKA— Supriya Sahu IAS (@supriyasahuias) December 8, 2022
The post was shared a few hours ago. Since being posted, one video has received more than 4,200 views and the other one has gathered nearly 700 views. The post prompted people to share various comments. “That’s nice,” wrote a Twitter user. “Good job,” posted another. “Kudos,” expressed a third. “Superb,” shared a fourth. Some reacted using thumbs up or clapping emoticons.

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