Harsh Goenka shares video of Parineeti Chopra singing Teri Mitti, actor reacts | Trending
Harsh Goenka is an active user of Twitter and he regularly shares various posts, including videos that capture singing prowess of people. Just like his recent tweet that shows actor Parineeti Chopra singing in a soulful voice. In the video, she is seen singing a rendition of the song Teri Mitti from the film Kesari.“What a soulful song this is – ‘Teri Mitti’ sung Parineeti Chopra,” the business tycoon wrote as he posted the video. He also received a reply from actor Parineeti Chopra who acted opposite Akshay Kumar in the film Kesari. Taking to Twitter, she reapplied, “Thanks sir!” Goenka too left a response and wrote, “You are welcome. Did not realise what a wonderful voice you had!”Take a look at the tweets:
Since being posted Harsh Goenka, the video has received more than 1.3 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the tweet has accumulated close to 3,400 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the video.Here’s how Twitter users reacted:“A beautiful version of a beautiful song!” posted a Twitter user. “Well sung – this is my favourite song,” shared another. “What an emotional song and how beautifully sung,” expressed a third. “She sang it from her heart! Could see her emotions. Very well sung,” wrote a fourth.
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