
Man imitates Ranveer Singh, Varun Dhawan, and more celebs accepting food orders | Trending

A man has taken social media storm and left many rolling on the floor, laughing. The reason? Well, his on-point imitation of Indian celebrities accepting food orders from an online delivery platform. In the video, Jagjyot can be seen perfectly imitating Bollywood actors Varun Dhawan, John Abraham, Kartik Aryan and Ranveer Singh. He also mimics Indian singer Guru Randhawa.“Can you guess what these celebs must have ordered?” read the caption of the video shared content creator Jagjyot Singh and Swiggy on Instagram. The video opens to show Jagjyot Singh perfectly imitating actor Varun Dhawan accepting his food order while the song Vele from the film Student Of The Year plays in the background. He next mimics John Abraham and uses balls underneath his t-shirt to depict the actor’s biceps. Jagjyot next appears as Kartik Aryan in the video, and Bhool Bhulaiyaa’s title track is heard in the background. Towards the end, he mimics singer Guru Randhawa, and his on-point expressions might prompt you to do a double take. Singh concludes the video as Ranveer Singh, clad in a vibrant shirt and is heard saying, “My parcel is here. O yaar mainu gale mil le…mere fried rice aa gaye hain.”Watch the video below:

Since being shared a day ago, the video has gathered more than 1.3 million views and counting. It has also been liked several times and received myriad comments from netizens and verified handles.Here’s how people reacted to the video:Former Miss Teen International Aayushi Dholakia reacted to the video and wrote, “Omg! I can’t. John’s biceps were the bestttt.” Actor Rakshit Wahi commented, “John Abraham biceps.” DJ Sartek also reacted and shared, “HAHAHAHAHA EPIC.” “Sometimes I get confused who the real Guru Randhawa is,” posted an individual. “Include Salman Khan in the next part,” suggested another. “Wanted more, Didn’t want this video to end,” shared a third. “You made my day,” expressed a fourth.


Arfa Javaid is a journal working with the Hindustan Times’ Delhi team. She covers trending topics, human interest stories, and viral content online.
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