Now, check your bank balance using Aadhaar card. Here’s a step-by-step guide
Aadhaar, the 12-digit unique identity number which has become an important identification document, can also be used by citizens to check their bank balance. Using Aadhaar to check bank balance eliminates the need to physically visit a branch and is, therefore, particularly useful for senior citizens, people who don’t use smartphones, and in cases when there is no internet connection.Also Read: How to link voter ID with Aadhaar card? Follow these simple stepsRelationship between Aadhaar and bank accountThe Aadhaar number is linked to a person’s biometric data, such as fingerprint and iris scan images. Due to this relationship, you can check your bank account balance by simply using your Aadhaar number.Also Read: How to check if your Aadhaar number is genuine ? Follow these stepsSteps to check balance using Aadhaar(1.) From your registered mobile number, dial *99*99*1#.(2.) Now, enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number.(3.) For verification, enter the number again.(4.) You will now receive a flash message with your balance on the screen.(5.) The message will be from the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhaar cards.
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