Shark Tank’s Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh do this after investing in salad company | Trending
Shark Tank India season 2 has seen people presenting different business ideas and some of them even securing funds from the judges. Recently, a mother and son duo joined the l after they received investments from Aman Gupta and Vineeta Singh for their company The Simply Salad. And now, the judges have shared a fun-filled behind-the-scenes video that shows what they did after investing in the company.“When you realise that you’ve to eat your greens after investing in a ‘salad’ company,” the bOAT CEO Aman Gupta wrote after he shared the video tagged Sugar CEO Vineeta Singh. The video opens to show a caption that reads, “BTS after we invest in a ‘salad’ company.”We won’t give away the fun sharing what the video shows, so take a look:
The video was shared a few hours ago. Since being posted, the video has received nearly 3.9 lakh views and the numbers are only increasing. The video has also accumulated close to 32,000 likes. People posted various comments while reacting to the video.Here’s how Instagram users reacted:“Green [Money emoji] badle Green [broccoli emoji],” joked an Instagram user. “Those are low-key garba steps, progression is key,” joined another. “Two favourite sharks with not so favourite food item,” commented a third. “Hahahaahahaahha,” wrote a fourth. Many shared their reactions through laughing out loud emoticons.
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