Woman shares five similar words in Hindi and Korean, video stuns people | Trending

While learning a new language, it is only natural to try and find words or even patterns that feel similar to your first language. In fact, there are a lot of languages that, despite being very different, have words that are similar in pronunciation and, at times, in meaning. Just like these words explained a Korean woman in this video. She shared five similar words in Hindi and Korean.
“I found out that many Indians want to learn Korean. So today I would like to teach you 5 Similar words in Hindi and Korean. And I know there are many languages in India. I do love and respect other Indian languages too! So don’t be sad because I speak only Hindi. Thank you for your love and support,” she posted as she shared the video.The video was shared a few days ago. Since being posted, the clip has received close to 1.5 million views, and the numbers are only increasing. Additionally, the post has accumulated tons of likes and comments.”The first Korean drama I ever watched, I had to stop every couple of minutes. My brain was picking up Hindi at first. I soon realised how similar both dialects are! It’s very cool,” posted an Instagram user. “When I used to watch Korean dramas, I always correlated these words. Many words there are the same as hindi words,” commented another. “Sis Korean Tea – Cha is similar to Indian Bengali’ cha’ too,” posted a third. “I already knew the similarities except narak,” wrote a fourth.